· 'A man who challenged everyone of us by touching raw nerves, challenging perceptions about self, knowledge, cultural stereotypes, through the use of language in the name of literacy and raising achievement and developing understanding. What more can I say?'
(Teacher, Grieg City Academy).
· 'Like watching Steve Davis play snooker in the eighties. Mesmerising!'
(Teacher, Peele Community College).
· 'I've never had a teacher who likes me as much as you do'
(Steph, Year 11 Student, Oasis Academy Brightstowe).

Phil Beadle is an expert in three fields: literacy/English teaching, behaviour management and creativity. He provides hugely entertaining and challenging training, along with knowledgeable consultancy in each of these areas and is one of the most experienced and well thought of education speakers in the United Kingdom and beyond.

As a teacher, every school or academy he works in reports substantial rises in results (this includes having taught at the most improved school in the country one year, followed by the highest CVA in London the next year). As a consultant, he specializes in literacy audits that lead to reports outlining whole school recommendations and to training sessions tailored to the needs of the institution. He is expert in the barriers facing white working class students, in feedback and is currently working on implementing aspects of game theory into professional football coaching.

He is the author of 10 books about teaching and learning. These include the influential and best selling ‘How to Teach’, which was awarded 10/10 by the TES; the successful and well reviewed ‘How to Teach Literacy’; ‘Literacy Through Football Skills’ in which he outlines how to teach sentence structure by playing football; ‘The Book of Plenary’ which is the first serious text by any British teacher about metacognition. His recently completed book ‘Rules for Mavericks: A Manifesto for the Disobedient’, which is out in April, examines how orthodoxies respond to maverick stances and how to live life profitably outside the mainstream.

Recent Clients

Independent Thinking Ltd
Regular speaking and training work for Ian Gilbert's organization of educational outriders. 2016 work includes training in literacy for KS1 and early years teachers, a keynote speech to leaders in Leeds about 'What makes a transformational teacher' and working with 'challenging' students in the North West.
League Football Education
League Football Education Series of speeches for youth coaches and education officers of academies of professional teams from the Football League on positive approaches to feedback and to behaviour management.
Brentford FC
Brentford FC

Ongoing work with the Brentford Youth Academy looking at the difference between learning and performance and attempting to make youth coaching research led.

Knox Grammar School
Innovative international mentoring project with Australia's most prestigious independent school

Writing and presenting an on-line course on grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Discovery Academy, Stoke
Discovery Acadamy Consultancy on whole school literacy: a round of whole school observations followed by the production of a management report and newsletter on the state of literacy teaching at the academy, then tailored sessions on literacy and at their sister academy. Ofsted made note of ‘coherence and impact’ of the Academy’s work in this area during a monitoring visit. 
Consulting on how to improve reach of Samaritans outreach work in schools.
Writing series of course modules for participants on innovative project to train middle leaders in all areas of teaching and teaching theory.